Tuesday, October 9, 2018

This year's XC banquet will be on held  Sunday November 4 from 5:30-7:30 pm at Spring Meadows in Cooke Hall.  (we will start at 5:30)

We will be having a pizza party.  This year we are requesting that families pay before the banquet (last year we ordered based on numbers and ended up having to pay extra money because plans changed for some families).  $5 a person (siblings are welcomed) for anyone planning to eat pizza.  Please pay me (cash only and correct change) for the number of people planning to attend by Thursday November 1.

Below you will find a sign up genius for other ways to make the banquet super special for our runners.

Mr. Amunrud has agreed to put together a slide show from this season.  Please email him pictures of your runners (from practice, meets,) to joel.amunrud@gmail.com.